Coral Springs Intermediate
We recommend that the information that you include on this side of the program be independent to the season. Use the season details on the right (configurable in the dashboard) to include details specific to the season. This text block should just be a short, 2-3 sentence description of your program.
What aged players are appropriate for this program?
Example: Appropriate players at least 9 years old who have completed at least one year of Learn-to-Play.
What time of the year does this program run?
Example: Season begins with tryouts in August and runs until playoffs in February.
Where are practices and games typically held?
Example: Practices and home games are held at the RecPlex. Games may be played across the metro region.
When are practices and how often are they?
Example: Teams practice 2-3 times per week.
How many games will they play? What days of the week?
Example: Teams will play 20-30 games over the course of the season and will usually fall on the weekends.
Are jerseys provided or are they purchased separately?
Example: Club jerseys are required and may be purchased at TJ Sporting Goods.
Extra Costs
What costs beyond registration fees should be expected?
Example: Expect team managers to collect funds to cover tournament entry fees.
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens when there is a rainout?
As South Florida is hard to track the weather, we wait until about 6:15 PM to make a decision. Once it's made, an email and notice on the Crossbar application go out. We then will add a class to the end of the program.
When you sign up for Sand Turtles Volleyball, you will enter an email address for the parents. Only that email address is sent information. Please know who set up the account and where the emails are going. Emails come from (Please check your spam folder)
Please download the application for Crossbar for Sand Turtles Volleyball. If there is a rainout, we will email and send notice through the app.
CSI January 2025
Coral Springs Intermediate training. Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:435-8PM at Betti Stradling Park.
For players that have been promoted from beginners and experienced players.
CS Intermed. Feb.-March 2025
Coral Springs Intermediate training. Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:45-8PM at Betti Stradling Park.
Feb. 18 through March 13, 2025.
For players that have been promoted from beginners and experienced players.